Your fund performance analysis written instantly. Choose the language, customise the commentaries and share them in a few clicks!
scribe.AM produces an analysis of the performance of your equity, balanced and bond funds. With no effort you get expert commentary in a clear and consistent style.
scribe.AM is an online service provided in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode. No IT investment is required for implementation. The solution is also integrated with the reporting platforms of our partners SGSS Analytics and Jump.
Select your preferences and scribe.AM takes care of the rest: absolute, relative, cumulative performance, analysis by country or by sector... If necessary, each text can be easily modified.
The comments are written "natively" in French and English. Other European languages (German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, ...) are available via automatic translation solutions.
Once the performance data is loaded, scribe.AM analyses the situation and instantly writes a commentary in the language of your choice. Ready to be used in your communication materials!
scribe.AM effectively optimises the production of our equity fund reporting while meeting our clients' requirements for the quality and accuracy of the information we provide.
scribe.AM integrated with SGMarkets allows our asset management clients to achieve significant efficiency and quality gains in communication to their investors.
Thanks to the integration between scribe.AM and JUMP's Front-to-Back platform, asset managers can improve client communication while reducing their fund reporting costs.